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Upcoming Projects

Larose Ted Gisclair Lock

Conversion of the Larose Ted Gisclair Floodgate into a Lock Complex.  This project will allow continued traffic down Bayou Lafourche when water levels are too high to leave the system open.

Status: Designed & Permitted. Awaiting Funding

Engineer: Picciola & Associates, Inc.

Cost Estimate: $25 million

Funding Sources:

SLLD Funds: $5 million

CPRA Funds: $5 million

Lafourche Parish Government: $20 million (awaiting award of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds from Lafourche Parish)

Larose Lock.jpg

A-East Bayou Water Retention

To control the water levels in Bayou Lafourche, SLLD siphons water near Yankee Canal in Golden Meadow and pumps it out of the system at Pump Station #4.  A nearby +600 acre open water area makes it difficult and time consuming to draw the bayou down.  A retention levee with water control structures is currently being designed to help SLLD hold the water in this area, so the bayou levels can be managed more efficiently.

Status: In Final Design

Engineer: GIS Engineering, LLC

Cost Estimate: $1.465 million

Funding Sources:


A-East Bayou Retention.jpg

A-West Levee Improvements

Elevation to +19.5' of Section A-West - the southwestern most portion of the overall levee system.  Current levee is at approx. +16' in elevation.

Status: In Final Design

Engineer: Angelette Design, LLC

Cost Estimate: $4.345 million

Funding Sources:



Section A-East Levee Improvements

Elevation to +19.5' of Section A-East - the southeastern most portion of the overall levee system.  Current levee is at approx. +16' in elevation.

Status: In Final Design

Engineer: Picciola & Associates, Inc.

Cost Estimate: $7 million

Funding Sources:

CPRA Funds: $7 million


Breton Canal Weir

The current siphon system at Pump Station #4 allows SLLD to lower the water levels in Bayou Lafourche by 0.5' over a 24-hour period.  To allow another 0.5' over that time, a weir is currently being designed to replace an existing earthen plug at the intersection of Breton Canal and Bayou Lafourche immediately south of South Lafourche High School.  The height of the weir will be adjustable to allow more or less water to flow to Pump Station #6, as needed. SLLD personnel are currently clearing and deepening the canal while final plans and specifications are in development.

Status: In Final Design. Canal clearing underway

Engineer: GIS Engineering, LLC

Cost Estimate: $878,000

Funding Sources:

Drainage District #1: $878,000


Levee Recertification

After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) created a new set of hurricane storm damage risk reduction design guidelines stemming from the failures of the levee system around the city of New Orleans.  These guidelines have caused the cost of levee construction to increase astronomically.  Given the proven success of levees in the South Lafourche area, the SLLD has continued to design and construct levees according to sound engineering principles that have proven themselves effective--most significantly during Hurricane Ida in 2021.  In 2011 the SLLD levee system lost its USACE certification and accreditation and was removed from the Rehabilitation and Inspection Program (RIP) that funds repairs to levee systems after natural disasters.  The SLLD is currently working with the USACE to prove the effectiveness of our existing levees and be reinstated into the RIP.


Contact Us

South Lafourche Levee District Logo


17904 Hwy 3235

Galliano, LA 70354




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